It's no secret that Chicago's gun violence has made national headlines much too often. It's to the point where many believe it's safer to be in Iraq then it is in Chicago. With all the violence going on it makes it that much tougher to even watch the news. Kids are losing their lives far too early to gun violence, which is giving a terrible image to one of the greatest cities in the world. While we were caught up with the violence happening in not only Chicago, but Ferguson as well there was a Little League team from the south side getting ready to make history. Jackie Robinson West Little League took the world by storm as they became the first all African American team from Chicago since 1983 to qualify for the Little League World Series. It was clear from the first game in Williamsport, PA that these boys meant business, and came to win it all. Watching these kids play took me back to my Little League days when my dad was my coach. Playing baseball on those Saturday mornings and afternoons was one of the best times of my life, and I was glad to see JRW go out and represent the city of Chicago in such a positive light.
Not only was JRW making history this year, but I would be insane not to mention the impact Mo'ne Davis (Philadelphia) had as well. She became the first female in LLWS history to throw a complete game shutout, and was the first little leaguer to grace the cover of Sports Illustrated. In route to the winning the U.S. Championship JRW had to beat a tough Nevada team who gave them their first loss of the tournament. These boys from the south side had a never back down attitude and played with so much heart and passion. The parade that's going to take place for these kids today is pretty awesome if you ask me. The positivity that they have brought to the city has been remarkable. Chicago has welcomed them home and they will get the type of parade that only champions deserve. I'm excited to see young African American men doing something positive with their lives and making their city proud. This JRW team should be an example to all about what hard work and dedication can get you. SKY IS THE LIMIT!